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The Family That Saves Together....

Why save money when you can use it to pay bills? You don’t have that much to save anyway, right?

Something always comes up.

It is difficult with expenses for the kids.

Saving a little bit will not save you anyway, right?

Here’s the number one reason to develop your own steady plan to save and invest with each of your paychecks if you are working right now:

Good things and bad things will absolutely happen to every person on the planet. You cannot predict when the bad things will happen, but they will. Even if you are the luckiest person in the history of Earth, you will have bad experiences along with the good.

This is the reason we urge you to sit down with your family and go over finances with them. Look for ways you can jump-start your savings and investing program. This should include looking at all spending (including bills) and a family effort to reduce spending along with generating some additional incomes outside of your day jobs.

The family that saves and invests together has children that grow up to be wealthier. Those families have more options and can withstand the storms of life (the bad things) better than families that don’t.

Empower your family and energize your family with purpose. You will be amazed at how quickly you can feel more control over your current financial situation. More than this, you can give your children a gift that may mean more than their formal education. Isn’t that worth it?


In this country we don’t do enough to teach our children about money, managing money, saving regularly (and automatically), compound interest and steady investing for a long-term future. As a parent, we are always concerned that they get a good education and go to a good college so they can make a lot of money or have a valued career path. The truth is that we could do our children the biggest favor and one of the best things by sharing with them sound saving and investing principles.

You can join our free Facebook group (or have your children do it, too) by searching in the Facebook bar on your “wall” for “Live The Lifestyle Your Family Deserves.” Click on “become a fan.” It’s free and it ties our free blogs into that group.

If you want to give your children the same information we are giving ours, you can purchase the only thing we sell on any of our blogs or groups. It’s called “How To Survive Any Financial Crisis” and you can get it for only $4.95 at

Thank you for reading our blog and good luck!

Loyd Ford


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