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Start Saving Faster Than You Think

Let’s play a game. This game is about saving money at a faster rate and getting started with a jolt. Want to play?

Review your bills. Call each company that sends you a bill and tell them you are in financial trouble and need a reduction in costs directly from them so you can remain a customer. Be prepared to ask for a supervisor. Be patient on the first call and be willing to call back once a week until they give you a strong discount or other way to cut their bill. Be open-minded to their ideas.

Look to refinance your home, but make sure it truly saves you money. Do your research. There are a lot of opportunities out there if your credit is good. Apply any savings to systematically paying off your mortgage.

Make sure you do all you can to be efficient. Do all your errands as a plan (all together). This will help you save gas and other resources.

Use coupons and coupon codes to purchase things you ordinarily purchase; put the money you save in actual savings.

Double-check all bills and all receipts to make sure there are no additional “fees.” Make people explain any charge you don’t understand. This is important since so many big businesses from cable television to credit cards are making it part of their strategy to confuse you and charge for things you don’t understand or “slip one by you.”

Stop going to the mall. Stop going out in general to shopping environments unless you have a plan that includes saving money on everyday purchases.

Check to see if your utility company has an investment drip. This allows you to add a stock purchase (that has regular dividends) in many cases directly to your utility bill. Have the dividends reinvest so this functions as a great way to save more over time.

Sit down once a month with your family and talk about how you can reduce expenses or expand your ability to generate money. Doing this with your family on a regular basis can make it a fun competition and also teaches the real-life benefits of saving to each family member.

You can also avoid credit cards, take an extra part-time job to boost saving and investing dollars. Remember: When you purchase assets that build upon theselves, you are doing a great thing.

When you use any of these ideas, make sure you put the money you “saved” in actual savings vehicles (except the refinancing of your home; put that money toward paying down the home loan).

Remember: Checking accounts are money laundering accounts for other people’s money.


In this country we don’t do enough to teach our children about money, managing money, saving regularly (and automatically), compound interest and steady investing for a long-term future. As a parent, we are always concerned that they get a good education and go to a good college so they can make a lot of money or have a valued career path. The truth is that we could do our children the biggest favor and one of the best things by sharing with them sound saving and investing principles.

You can join our free Facebook group (or have your children do it, too) by searching in the Facebook bar on your “wall” for “Live The Lifestyle Your Family Deserves.” Click on “become a fan.” It’s free and it ties our free blogs into that group.

If you want to give your children the same information we are giving ours, you can purchase the only thing we sell on any of our blogs or groups. It’s called “How To Survive Any Financial Crisis” and you can get it for only $4.95 at

Thank you for reading our blog and good luck!

Loyd Ford


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